Central Texas College

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Central Texas College

Opening hours

6200 West Central TX Expressway
Killeen, Texas 76549 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please go to Enrollment Center - Bldg209 for In-Person appts.
Our Booking PolicyAppts are for LOCAL students in Killeen, Tx area. Students who arrive 5 minutes after scheduled appt time will need to reschedule. **WALK-IN HOURS ARE AVAILABLE MONDAY-THURSDAY 8:00AM-4:30PM AND FRIDAY 8:00AM-10:30AM.**




. Duration:30 mins



Central Texas College’s accessible education supports student success and employability.

We offer a comprehensive array of associate degree, vocational-technical, adult continuing education and high school programs in delivery formats that address virtually every need.

Academic advisors are available to meet with you throughout the year - not just at registration time.

Required Documents:
If your official high school and/or college transcripts have not been received by CTC, bring unofficial copies of transcripts and test scores with you for admission and advisement. Official copies should be received by the end of the first semester of enrollment.

To check the receipt of high school or college transcripts contact Incoming Transcripts at 254-526-1984/1105 or by email at Incoming.Transcripts@ctcd.edu.

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